Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Time to share...

There are certain times of the year that life has a way of reminding us all of the importance of goals, developing plans to meet those goals, and then some type of evaluation system to measure if the goals were met, or still needed tweaking.

With the ringing in of each New Year, most of us come face to face with the thoughts of making a “resolution” or two. By definition, a New Year's resolution is a commitment that a person makes to one or more lasting personal or professional goals, projects, or the reforming of a habit. The goal must be reached by the next New Year and should be attainable and measurable. (Sound familiar?)

Quoting Frank Ra (author of the new year's resolution book "A course in happiness") "Resolutions are more sustainable when shared, both in terms of with whom you share the benefits of your resolution, and with whom you share the path of maintaining your resolution. Peer-support makes a difference in success rate with new year's resolutions". According to Gretchen Rubin (author of best-seller "The Happiness Project"): "You hit a goal, you achieve a goal. You keep a resolution".

So my friends, in that spirit, I’d like you to consider, and share your professional resolutions with SOMEONE, other than yourself, and what it is you’re going to do to “keep your resolution.” If we don’t force ourselves to envision and plan past the “here and now” we’ll never get past the “here and now.”

Be good to yourself…

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